MTC: Letter 4

Dear Family and Friends,

Unfortunately I don't have pictures this week but I sent a lot last time anyway. Hopefully I will have some good ones next week. This week has been a blast for Elder Gray and I and we have especially seen the gift of tongues in our lessons. To start off the week, I was released as a district leader on Sunday. I was excited because it means I get more study time and I really like learning the language and sometimes I feel behind. 

Just as I was thinking this Elder Gray and I were called as zone leaders. Apparently, when you get too comfortable in a church calling, the lord decides to change it up. That's okay, more personal growth I guess. I am excited to serve in this position as well though because we get new Germans this week. We said goodbye to the old Germans and welcomed the new ones. There are a lot of them so this will be a fun calling. I am especially excited to serve with Elder Gray and I think we make a great team. 

This week we taught a total of 6 lessons. We taught Վահե (Vahey) twice and started to lead into the plan of salvation. We hope he will find it very helpful and we think it is just what he needs. We also taught Լենա (Lena) twice. She is improving so much and we have really felt the gift of tongues with her. Lately Elder Gray and I have been going in without notes and so we just have to use what we know and it sure has helped make the lessons more personal. Elder Gray has also improved a lot more on the language this week and he says even more than me in the lessons now. Լենա has agreed to read the Book of Mormon and has also agreed to be baptized when she knows more about the gospel.

Lastly, taught two TRC discussions. After last week, we really wanted to do a lot better but it is hard since we have to teach them as members already and we have to find their needs. Last week we didn't even understand what they said to us so we had no idea what to do. This week, we went in without notes and we were able to talk about goals with some of them and set some better ones to make them better people. The spirit was really strong even when we were slow of speech. I am so grateful I was called to serve in this language and it feels like it is a part of me now. I am slow of speech whether I teach in English or in Armenian but I have found that it doesn't matter because I am not the one talking. It is the spirit that testifies the truth to them no matter how badly I am at speaking. We sure have made a lot of progress here so far and I can't wait to keep making more!

Երեց Ջենսեն (Elder Jensen)