Letter 19

So this week was pretty good for the most part. It's hard to find Armenian investigators but it is possible. We do have a couple but it has been hard because every time we find one they drop us early on. The one we have that is progressing right now is super awesome and we were able to help him come to church this week. The only problem is everything is in English because there are not enough people in the Armenian group. Even the Sunday school class was in English because the teacher wasn't there. I hope he was able to understand a little bit.

On the bright side, our English investigators are doing great! Lia wasn't able to come to church this week because the access van bailed on her. She was going to try to walk to church but we wouldn't let her because it was definitely too far for her electric chair. We will just have to push her date back again. 

Another great surprise is that Asal wants to be baptized. Her husband is a recent convert and they are from Iran. They speak Farsi but their English is good enough for us to teach them and Moosi (her husband) can help us translate. At first she didn't want to get baptized but I guess last week she went to church at her own church instead of ours like she normally does and she said she just felt like our church is where she is supposed to go. It was super amazing, this family has been through a lot and I have come to love them so much. I will have to get a picture. She has set a date for the 12th of November and we are super excited!

I hope you all keep up the good work with school and such. Don't worry you are already a fourth of the way through. That's super weird. Anyway, have a good week!

Pictured: sorry not a lot this week. Apparently they have a ton of peacocks in Arcadia just all over the place so I took some pictures. None with the feathers though sorry.