Letter 12

Hey everyone!

Man it seems like during the week I feel like I have so much stuff to write but by the time P-day rolls around I forget it all. I should start reading over my journals again before I write these. Anyway, this week has been a pretty great one and we saw a ton of miracles at church yesterday. First, this random Armenian guy just walked in with a pass along card to church yesterday. That like never happens.

We also had a bunch of less actives show up for church that we have been teaching and even more less actives stop us on the street because they recognize us and want to visit with us. It has been awesome! I also translated in sacrament meeting again. Elder Stucki and I switch off every week. I did way better and by that I mean it was testimony meeting and so I only had to translate testimonies. Instead of me only translating 10% of what they said into grammatically incorrect Armenian, I was able to translate 50% of what they said into still grammatically incorrect Armenian! That's mostly because a lot of them say the same thing but it's ok I felt pretty good about it and I do think I am getting a little better at it.

As for our investigators, Ysa is still progressing perfectly and is going to be baptized this Saturday! We are so excited for her! We haven't been able to get a hold of Artur but he called us and told us we might be able to meet next week. We occasionally pick up new investigators but they have a hard time progressing and choose not to meet with us or we just can't get a hold of them. As for the rest of the general Armenian public, they are all very loyal to their church. We met one lady the other day who wasn't part of the church but she didn't want to hear our message. It was good to meet someone though who didn't instantly reject us because they already go to a church.

Well, that's about it for now. We have been doing a lot of less active work lately for English and Armenian so that has been good. We need more attendance because when we invite Armenians to church they can't understand anything because it is mostly in English. The only thing in Armenian is Sunday school and that is still a little bit of both English and Armenian. Hopefully we can get more attendance so that investigators who don't speak English will feel welcome. Anyway, that is all for this week! I wish you all the best and hope you have a great week as well!