Letter 50

This week was pretty great! We went on a hike as a zone for our P-Day today and it was a lot of fun!

We had a couple of meetings this week as well and I really enjoyed the MLC although it was a struggle. If you know me, you know I am not good at all with technology and we had a lot of problems during the meeting but we got through it so it was ok. I wish I was talented with technology but I guess that is what I need to learn.

We also have a couple of good prospects who could become some solid investigators! Things are definitely going well! Our ward is awesome! It is a little bit small for a ward, but the members are really solid and are doing a lot of great work. The recent converts are now receiving callings and so things are really looking up! We also got a referral from our mission president a few days ago and have been in contact with the referrals cousin and her brother to teach her. They originally referred her and it sounds like she has a lot of potential. They say she is really interested in learning more and we set up a lesson with her on Wednesday! We are really excited!

Also quick update from my last area, I don't know if you remember, but me and my companions were teaching an Armenian man named Henrik and unfortunately while I was with Elder Sanders we had to drop him because he wasn't progressing. Well, after attending his own church and then ours multiple times, he decided to be baptized while Elder Sanders and Elder Meppen were there!

He is very strong in the church now and his mother wasn't too happy with his decision at all actually,
but he chose to do what he knew was right, even when it meant displeasing his mother. I truly have come to find out that no effort is wasted and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with Henrik!