First Days: Letter 1

Hello everyone!

I am having an awesome time here at the MTC! I love it so much and it is just like EFY! The food is excellent and I love how much I am learning. As soon as I arrived I was ushered through several buildings where I received materials such as name tags and room keys and other stuff. We didn't have a chance to unpack until the end of the day so I just put all the stuff in my room and went to class.

My companions name is Elder Gray.  He is from American Fork and is an awesome missionary. I think we work really well together and have a better desire to be the best missionaries we can be. We work really hard to understand the language but I can see the blessings and it is actually coming really fast. He is very humble and has a very strong testimony of prayer.

The language is hard but we are doing great. My whole district (except for me) is going to the Armenia Yerevan mission. There are 9 Elders and 3 Sisters and each of them work very hard. In another district there are two Elders who speak Georgian as well which is also part of the Armenian mission. We had the opportunity to meet and teach our first investigator on Friday which is like really soon. On Thursday we had just learned the alphabet (we still need to learn more) and so we felt a little unprepared. Luckily, on Friday we learned how to pray in Armenian and we are learning so much more. I feel like I already understand a lot although when I first got here, my teachers didn't speak English so I didn't really understand anything. It has been great though.

I have been praying a lot more than I used to and I learn so much more everyday about the gospel. I am so grateful that I get to serve a mission with such wonderful people. Sometimes I feel a little left out because all of the other Elders and Sisters in my district are going to Armenia so I won't see them again but they will get to see each other all the time. There is always work to be done. I was called as the district leader and now have to prepare even more lessons and gospel talks. Life is great though! My P day will be Saturday for the next 8 weeks so email me often!

Love, Elder Jensen